Trinity Prologue. 02
标题:Trinity Prologue. 02
尺寸:70.85 x 47.28 cm
Title: Trinity Prologue. 02
Year: 2020
Dimension: 70.85 x 47.28 cm

The 2nd chapter of the Prologue to the "Trinity" series.
基于绝对的圣洁标准,世人都犯了罪,而实行绝对的公义,使得上帝不能对犯罪的人类做到“睁一只眼闭一只眼”或者根据犯罪的程度来施行不同的审判。因为祂是绝对的标准,没有妥协的余地。标准就是标准,标准是没有感情的。正如 1+1=2 是没有感情的,但就是绝对的真理,祂的标准亦如此。对人类而言,问题不是祂的标准不完美,而是祂的标准太完美,完美到没有任何人能够达到,没有一个人能够扪心自问地认为自己是一个绝对完全圣洁的人。
「上帝爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。」约翰福音 3:16
「上帝就是爱。」约翰壹书 4:8
If we have a comprehensive understanding of the Bible, we will find that the whole Bible is actually talking about one thing - the cross.
The cross represents the three essences of God revealed in the Bible: holiness, justice, and love.
Just as the Holy Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit of the Trinity are one and indivisible, holiness, justice, and love are also the three inseparable essences of God - He cannot be unholy, unrighteous, and unloving, because of His essences.
God is absolute holiness, righteousness, and love, and the above three essences have reached the extreme in Him without any blemish and compromise.
He is absolutely holy - He cannot contain any unholy, like a glass of clear water contaminated by a drop of stains, even if there is only a drop of it, no matter how it looks, it is no longer absolutely clear.
He is absolute righteousness - any unholy and sin will be judged righteously because His standard is absolute holiness.
Based on the absolute standard of holiness, all people in the world have committed sins, and the implementation of absolute justice based on absolute holiness standards makes God can't turning one eye and closing one eye to sinners or imposing different judgments on the basis of the degree of sin. Because He is an absolute standard, there is no room for compromise. The standard is the standard, and the standard has no emotion. Just as 1+1=2 has no emotion, but it is absolute truth, and so is His standard. For mankind, the problem is not that His standards are imperfect, but that His standards are too perfect, so perfect that no one can reach it, and no one can ask himself/herself and admit that he/she is an absolutely holy person.
At this point, we will recognize that the holiness and justice of such a God are correct, but it does not appear to be close to humanity, has no mercy for human nature, and as far away and unrealistic from us. Therefore, facing such an absolutely holy and righteous God, our natural response is to resist His standards, avoid and reject.
However, God has another essence - absolute and ultimate love.
He is absolute love - He is not without mercy, on the contrary, He is not easy to anger and full of mercy. He loves mankind and does not want them to be judged and perished under His absolute holiness standards and absolute justice. In order to save mankind while satisfying his own absolute holiness standards and absolute justice, He chose to let a holy and innocent person comes to die for the sinners, bear the punishment that the sinners deserve, and ascribe the righteousness of that innocent person to the sinners so that they can be saved.
This sounds incredible, even "ridiculous".
First of all, why is it so troublesome and complicated? Why not just "close one eye" and tolerate the sinners and the world directly, so that everyone can go to heaven?
- If so, all the standards of justice and holiness will have no meaning and cease to exist. The standard is the standard, just like 1+1=2, if the standard can be changed and compromised, just like 1+1 is no longer equal to 2, all systems will collapse, and all evils can be forgiven with one eye closed, then this world will no longer be any justice or evil, there will be only chaos, or eventually will be full of evil. And His essence is absolute holiness and justice, He cannot compromise on unholiness, which is inconsistent with His essence. He really could choose another easy way - directly destroy mankind and recreate perfect and holy mankind. However, He does not want mankind to perish but instead wants mankind to have eternal life. His compassion and love prevented Him from watching the world perish, so He would rather choose such a torturous and complicated way to save the sinners and the world - yes, there is absolutely no need for Him to do this, if not because of love, mercy, and compassion.
Furthermore, why let an innocent person die for the world? Is this too cruel and unfair to that innocent person?
- Absoulutely yes, for the man who died for the world, such punishment is extremely cruel and unfair. It seems that the God who made this choice was not merciful either, at least He was too cruel to the innocent person he chose to die for others.
Finally, since God's standard is absolute holiness, and no one is perfect, how can there be an absolutely innocent and holy person in this world who can meet God's standard and be qualified to die for the world?
These questions pushed the story to the climax.
According to His standards, no one in the world is absolutely holy, capable of dying for others and ascribed to others His righteousness. Even if there is, His kindness and mercy will not make such a perfect person bear such heavy injustice and punishment.
Therefore, the choice He made is just too surprising.
He made His one and only son, which is Himself of His trinity, definitely, the only absolute holiness of the universe, become the man who died for the world and personally bear the punishment and great pain of sin as a human being.
He is Jesus, the Christ of the world.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
He would rather be unjust and cruel to Jesus, to Himself, than to the destruction of mankind. To understand this ultimate love, we need to know that He does not need to do this at all - saving mankind is even more difficult for Him than creating the universe. According to the biblical record, He only needed to say a few words to create the universe, but in order to save mankind, He Himself had to bear the pain and die for them. However, He would rather pay the great price - because He is love.
Love reaches its ultimate expression through the "cross" where Jesus died for the world.
In the entire universe, there is no more extreme and completed love than this. Just as His other two essences, love, has become the most extreme and completed love in Him. He is the source of love, and He is love.
"God is love." 1 John 4:8
The essence of the whole Bible is the gospel - the cross - love.
The three essences of God's absolute holiness, justice, and love, through the cross, also achieved the most extreme manifestation at the same time. This is also the core of the discussion and attempts to express in this series. No matter whether you have faith or not and what your belief is, whether you believe in God or not, as long as you have a comprehensive and correct understanding of the Bible, you will find that the story of God revealed in the Bible is full of ultimate beauty.
The love of God revealed in the Bible is so incredible. His absolute holiness and justice are the ultimate rationality and His absolute love is the ultimate sensibility. In this universe, you can’t find a more extreme and sensual love than dying for the one you love. The ultimate rationality and sensibility are manifested in Him at the same time, saving mankind by dying for them with His flawless self. I saw perfection and ultimate beauty in this "holiness, justice, love" triangular structure and process.
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